Review of The Cup

The Cup (1999)
This film "covered my feet in leather"
30 January 2002
This is a delightful little film, and freshman effort from the little country of Bhutan. Had it not been based on true events, I would have found it hard to believe. Not claiming to know much about the life of a Bhuddist Monk, I didn't think they allowed themselves to be interested in more than chanting and karmic evolvement. This film acts as a great "equalizer", confirming my beliefs that we all are the same. We just tend to say it differently. The young monk who is the protaganist of this film reminds me so much of many young men I know. With his pushy, overbearing and sometimes irreverent behavior, you see a side of monkhood that is so often hidden in films. They are not perfect and they are prone to the same foibles we all have. Mainly, DESIRE. And desire no matter how innocent, or deviant, will get you everytime. The landscape appeared to be beautiful, the misty Himalayas, the rolling fields and saffron robes blowing in the wind beneath matching parasols. Unfortunately the cinematographer did not capitalize on all of this natural beauty, but merely glanced at the splendor as if it were merely coincidental. So all we get are mere glimpses at what should have been scenes lovingly caressed by the lens. This was a situation where the landscape and the camera should have clearly become lovers. But beyond that, I was swept away at the innocence of the director and it was a refreshing change to my jaded eyes. In my opinion, the more contrived Hollywood machine would not have been able to do more justice to this simple forthright piece of storytelling. And I am personally pushing for them to see the next World Cup games in person. Wanna take up a collection?
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