Grizzly Falls (1999)
A movie I could barely bear...
15 March 2004
Reviewed on: 03/04/04 1hr. 34min.

i have been watching movies all my life and this movie is not the bestbut not the worst. Its just not for me. This movie named "Grizzly Falls" is rated PG. I thinkthis movie is made for preteens, ages 10-13. the movie is based on adventure(if you call living with a bear adventure). The movie stars Bryan brown (playing Tyrone), Daniel Clark(as Harry), and Tom Jackson (joshua). the characters are easy to understand, but they dont always dress their part.(You will see what i mean when you watch the movie.)In the movie their wardrobe never matches the scene. The actors arent the best but they fill their parts. they just dont do any more than necessary. The movie was farily esy to follow. (Im hoping you are educated enough to follow it.)

The movie is about a boy, Harry, his father, Tyrone, and his men go to the mountains to catch a grizzly. On their journey Harry came across two grizzly cubs at a river. Then later into their journey they came across the momma bear and her cubs. She malled man who became very angry and wanted to kill the bear. Then they captured the two cubs and locked them up. Afterward the boy was feeding the cubs when the mother grizzly captured him and drug him away into the mountains. While Harry was making friends with the grizzly, who he named Mizzy, his father, Tyrone, and his friend, Joshua, were searching for him. In the time he was with Mizzy he tried many new things, like eating raw fish and bugs. He cooked Mizzy some fish on the fire he made. After all their experiences together Harry finally realized that Mizzy was following her cubs the whole time and he led him straight to them. To bad though because to find out the rest or the details between you are going to have to watch it yourself.
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