Teen Movie Only! - Story that lacks depth
29 October 2000
I originally sought out the movie because of the James Wong/X-Files link. I was hoping for some thought provoking movie in the Horror Genre. But I was disappointed. The story lacks depth. Its essentially a bunch of teens running around getting bumped off. Does that sound familiar? On the plus side - the start was great. After the first 15 minutes, I was left wondering where could it go after this? Unfortunately it went to exactly the same place as the movie "scream"! I thought it was a great movie to look at and the acting was good, it was just the story that was lacking. I would recommend the movie if your are into teen movies or if you are a "teen". I guess if your are into the X-Files - you might want to check out what Mr. Wong is upto - its worth watching - But not buying! 06/10
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