All Summer in a Day (1982 TV Movie)
Extraordinarily memorable
21 May 2003
I saw this movie about 15 years ago, in the 6th grade, and have never forgotten it. Images from the movie are emblazoned on my brain, despite the fact that I didn't even know what the movie was called until I looked it up just now.

I find it somewhat remarkable that so many of the comments listed here are so similar -- saw the movie when young, but still remember it a couple decades later. That alone says a lot about it. It was an extremely powerful movie, using an exotic, scifi setting to highlight some of the greatest failings of human behavior and interaction and emphasize the role and potential power of visionaries and dreamers. It's really a shame that this movie is so hard to find (unless, apparently, you are an elementary school teacher). It is a visually stunning film -- the dreary scenes of unrelenting rain, the UV room, and finally the brief moments of real sun at the end. Haunting, and definitely worth seeking out.
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