U.S. Seals (2000 Video)
it's worth it for one scene
28 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
You've read the other comments; you know it's bad. My girlfriend and I decided to sit through this drivel b/c we wanted to find a laughable B-level flick, and boy was it a winner. (BTW, she figured out the reason why they used that particular actor for the main character is that his acting would be graded a "D-" while the others are miserable failures)


1. They have a token black guy! The only black "Seal" gets killed in the first "action" scene.

2. They favor superimposing a fire in the foreground whenever there are enough explosions to warrant it.

3. The whole movie is worth it for this one scene--one of the "Seals" is hanging from a rope in the tree. As one of the evil Albanians rides by on a horse, he swings Tarzan-like IN SLOW MOTION to knock the guy to the ground (perhaps Battlefield Earth took this as inspiration for their own slo-mo scenes?)

4. The kid in the hospital is the worst actor in the history of the human race, even worse than Shaq or Madonna. He was probably the son of the director; fortunately he has about only 4 lines.
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