Review of The Last Stop

The Last Stop (2000)
Stupidity in a snowstorm
24 March 2001
Please, do not watch this movie based on the comments of others on this site. Two of them are biased(and rightly admit it) because the movie was filmed in their neck of the woods. The others are from California and Texas and have no clue as to what a snowstorm is.

The acting is just down right horrible, half of the characters are just fill ins added for supposed suspense purposes and none of them have any knowledge about snow. The main character, who we are led to believe has lived in Colorado his whole life, spends the majority of the movie outside, in a blizzard, WITHOUT A HAT including a ride on a snowmachine. Now, anyone who has lived, or even been involved in any type of snow related incident, knows that you can not survive outside without proper attire. Proper attire being a hat. Obiviously, the staff of this movie has never heard of hypothermia. And to take off at top speed on a snowmobile without proper head gear? The only one who does where a hat, is the mentally handicapped character. Tell you something.

The director then creates the main character as being superhuman. He gets shot,(to me it looked like in the ass) gets hit by a snowmachine, the whole hat fiasco and at the end gets told, "You'll be fine in a couple of days."

Granted, this movie did have me guessing but my guesses were of the intelligent nature. It will leave you asking questions till the end but then make you question just why you bothered to watch this in the first place. If there's one thing I remember learning in highschool drama it's don't insult the intelligence of your audience. Something people involved with this picture never bothered to learn.
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