28 December 1999
Okay, not much of a title to this review, I know. But that was all I could say after watching this quite weak haunted house movie.

Bloom and Rowe play a newly-married couple, Brad and Danielle Gallagher, who are also parapsychologists. They move into the Sunset House up in rural New England, the house supposedly and quite candidly haunted. Almost immediately, the ghost starts to lash out, but I won't tell you why, it's so cheesy. Like, there's a story behind it, but on the outside, his (the ghost's) motive is so dumb. Anyhoo, a drunken gravedigger with his interests set on Danielle and a creepy doctor (Carradine) are thrown in for good measurement. Anyhoo, things go on very timidly, with only a few creepy scenes. And then the ending which totally heightens the cheese factor, and a twist made painfully obvious. In any event, the acting is sort of average, as are the scares. Overall, a pretty cheesy movie, which, apparently, takes itself seriously. I didn't. You could do better, so pass over this one.
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