O Brothers, Thank You
5 January 2001

How can a one make a movie that is not an original story, yet make it entirely original?

I cannot believe people that negatively review creative filmmaking (Almost a non-existence in Hollywood) and tear this film to pieces. While the postives far outweigh the negatives, the Coen Brothers are an aquired taste that I have had since seeing Blood Simple years ago. Yes, I am a fan. I own all of their movies, and each is getting better and better.

While many will see similarities in George Clooney's performance to Nicolas Cage's H.I. McDonough from Raising Arizona. The two are still fresh characters that don't brandish action and suspenseful characters and gimmicky plot to carry them. John Goodman's Cyclops role is reminiscent of his character in Barton Fink. Even the brilliance of capturing the era was very reminiscent of Miller's Crossing, but in the end is a movie that stands very much on it's own, not unlike Fargo.

What singles out this performace and is without doubt the film's best character is the music. Has there been a more astute soundtrack to depict a movie to it fullest in the last ten years? While not a fan of Satuday Night Fever, needless to say what the music did for that film. I think the closest comparison could be 2001 a Space Odyssey or maybe the Godfather.

I can only hope that this trend of filmmaking continues for many years to come, making the experience of cinema the art form it should be.
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