2 April 2002
Is Lee Evans the funniest comedian around today? Resounding yes me thinks.

Anyone who hasn't seen Lee Evans should try this. He's an extremely funny, energetic and enthusiastic comedian. His humour is based on observation, where he points out the obvious with a funny twist. Very, very funny, and worth the money just for the effort that he puts into his act. He must lose a couple of stone everytime he's on stage he sweats that much. He has tried his hand at sitcoms too, but don't judge him on that. For me, his sitcoms are poor, but his stand up is second to none.

I have just seen him live on his Wired and Wonderful tour and I think when the video comes out for that, if you like this, you should try that too. A genuine comedy genius, who'll have you crying with laughter. It's difficult to review one particular show as they are all so funny, but give this a shot as the Scotland show was special.
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