Review of Frequency

Frequency (2000)
All heart, no brains
21 April 2002
Who wouldn't want to talk with their father, as he existed 30 years ago? This movie understands that we, as adults, want to be pals with our own parents, as (young) adults. We want to go out drinking together. We want to watch the World Series together. We want to team up on some worthwhile project together.

Well, it ain't gonna happen. sorry. It only happens in this movie because logic is not allowed a foothold in the script.

Time travel stories are all inherently contradictory--if you travel back in time and kill your own grandfather, how can this event be explained? But Frequency seems to glory in its lack of logic. Characters (especially John) who should remember things, given the new "past", don't. Past events affect the future in realtime (like the changing photos in Back to the Future--but that film was fantasy from the start; this aspires to be something different). It's all a crazy hash of inconsistencies, and we're supposed to nod in muddle-headed agreement.

No thank you.
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