Phone Booth (2002)
Great Film
30 April 2003
I just watched phone booth and I found it really exciting. During the whole movie I wanted to know what would happen next, in what kind of situations the sniper would put Stu Shepard next. First, Stu only has to somehow send away the hooker who needs to make a phone call. Then he has to deal with her friends, then with the pimp who wants to beat him up with a baseball bat, finally it's the police, so it's getting worse and worse.

Colin Farrell really does a fantastic job here, he is really convincing as the man in distress. He goes through a whole lot of emotions from being arrogant till breaking down in tears, and you really believe him. Although Stu is not a very likeable character, you can imagine how he must feel being trapped in this phone booth and you start rooting for him. Also the other actors are first class. Kiefer Sutherland's calm and controlled voice (as the sniper) is quite eerie and makes a good counterpart to Colin Farrell's character, who after having spent quite a while in this phone booth is totally stressed out.

The cinematography is also great. I mean, what can you do when a movie is shot in only one place, namely a phone booth? So when Stu is making his phone calls with his mobile phone, the picture gets divided so that you can see him and also the people he is talking to.

The film was shot for about 13 million Dollars, but you don't see it. There are no special effects and stuff, but you don't miss them at all. The whole atmosphere of the movie is so enthralling that it keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

Definitely worth watching.
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