Review of Me Myself I

Me Myself I (1999)
A film with heart
3 May 2000
More enjoyable and slicker than the advertising campaign would suggest this is a memorable if at times derivative film that overcomes some second-rate support actors and a weak finale by imbuing the leads with such likability and making us care for Pamela's (the beautiful Griffiths) predicament.

Similar in theme to If Only..(released internationally as Twice upon a Yesterday) but populated by real people as opposed to sexy mannequins, this is at times crass but sometimes strangely moving. And against all odds even if it is at its most basic a " kitchen sink" romance, it is never boring.

Griffiths, Roberts and all three kids are superb. And there are some great musical memories on the soundtrack.

I didn't find it as funny as some reviewers (the audience I saw it with were pretty quiet) but it is a film with ideas and intelligence and heart, and they don't get made very often these days.
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