Somewhere off in the NOT TOO DISTANT future..
25 June 2002
Newsflash: Steven Spielberg is a genius.

(Duh.. now tell us something we DON'T know.)

Minority Report is a look in the not too far off future. Why do I say this? Because nearly ALL of the technological advances in the film are nearly WITHIN our grasp today.

By NOT overdoing the special effects, Spielberg gives us an engrossing, believable spin into a future that could be plausible.....if precognition were at all possible.

Nonetheless, at 2 hours and 40 minutes, I was almost AFRAID to venture into the movie theater to see it... but Spielberg doesn't disappoint.

I think THIS film made me appreciate 'AI' a little more, in that without finishing Kubrick's film (which I admittedly HATED) he probably couldn't have brought THIS film to fruition.

Cruise is great in his role, and the supporting actors are great as well.

You get the feeling that Spielberg sort of.. RUSHED the ending because the film HAD to come in at under 3 hours... but nonetheless, if you enjoy QUALITY sci-fi, you'll probably love this flick.

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