chilli con Carne
26 July 2003
I've just seen this film and can find only one user comment which is negative in the extreme. Working with writer Jacques Prevert in the 30s Carne invented the concept of poetic realism when Tennessee Williams, who went on to exploit it, was still learning that it's i before e except after c. Prevert-Carne titles like Quai des brumes, Le jour se leve, les visiteurs du soir, les enfants du paradis are timeless.Their partnership ended when their first post-war effort, Les Portes de la nuit, bombed at the box office. Tho familiar with the Prevert-Carne films Carne's post-Prevert titles are elusive which is why I was glad of the chance to see trois chambres. Tho it misses the Prevert touch - as does Hotel du Nord for which Prevert was not available - it is still a worthwhile effort. Annie Girardot - still going strong 40 years later, I saw her on the Paris stage last year in the one-woman 'Madame Marguerite' for which she picked up the Moliere as Best Actress - is always worth watching and Carne still manages to create a mood light years away from anything being produced today. For cavillers the use of the very French soup-bowl size coffee cups is incongruous in Manhattan but otherwise a very creditable effort.
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