A Very British Movie!!!
20 June 2001
I loved this film. It tells the story of a single 36 year old, Mike (Reece Dinsdale) and his constant efforts to find that elusive thing called romance. He tries too hard each time as he doesn't really have a clue about the opposite sex, or feelings, or have any grasp of the downside of jumping in at the deep end. His best mate (John Hannah) is a lot more laid back, and surprise, surprise, he gets through without too many hiccups which must be pretty sickening from Mike's point of view.

The other story that is intertwined is the story of Mike's dad and long lost mum. Now that is true romance and everything that it is - the parts were brilliantly played by seasoned actors Frank Finlay and Susannah York.

Every role was played well and the thoughts and dialogue were well scripted and funny. I doubt if there is anyone who can truly say they have never been in one of these romantic predicaments.

I must just add another observation though about the previous comment. How is this film too English? I think all concerned would far prefer it to be too British (there is a difference) which I don't see as a problem and certainly nothing to be ashamed of. We have a different way of life and different attitudes but as long as people appreciate that then enjoyment of the film shouldn't be hampered. I haven't seen Swingers yet but I will look out for it to do a British comparison!
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