All Shook Up (1999)
I couldn't stop laughing!
15 August 1999
I was visiting Aspen on a ski trip and friend invited me to see this film. I was reluctant but she insisted. I've never really been a fan of Elvis or the music or any of hype so I wasn't expecting much. I couldn't have been more wrong. I laughed until I thought I couldn't laugh anymore. Every scene found a way to be hysterical and still tell the story. I wanted to see it again but I was disappointed when I found out it was the last day of the festival. I asked about when I could see All Shook Up at a theater in my city but was told the release had been pushed up from Christmas because the producer didn't think the film was ready yet, that they might change a few scenes and the ending. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Mr. Producer, I don't know if you read these things but don't change anything! I loved the ending, I loved it all. I still laugh out loud when I think of that crazy Deputy on the radio. All Shook Up will be an instant classic. DON'T CHANGE A THING.
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