Dream Team (1997–2007)
Sometimes enthralling but it's seen better days
13 November 2003
It's a show that sharply divides opinion. A show that, is undoubtedly, utter rubbish. However, that is the appeal of the show - it's so ridiculous and overblown that it makes it an enthralling watch.

The show has seemed to have run out of ideas in recent years and the whole "fan wins the lottery and buys club" thing took it a little to far away from the good silliness and over to storylines that were trying to be more football-based. Who cares about the newer storylines of dodgy transfer dealings when you've had storylines where the chairman hired somebody to shoot his star player, who was carrying on with his wife? It also went to the well too many times with the "crash wipes out half the team" concept. Very few players die while playing for a club, maybe one every three to four years and that's spread across the whole of Britain.

I think the series has definitely seen better days; better storylines, better actors and better production values. However, to borrow a phrase from original Harchester manager Ron Atkinson, "in it's pomp" it was a very enjoyable series. If they ever repeat series three and four, warm up the video.
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