Chicks, Man (2000)
"Chicks, Man" is one of the funniest films ever!!!
17 September 1999
I thought that this was a great film! The characters are not only real and believable, but could have been based on people I actually know! I thought it was hilarious! You can have "Swingers" and their psyudo cool, trendy attitudes. These guys are real people & I know that I've dated girls like the characters Sarina and Rhonda (I'm still having nightmares about the Rhonda character!) Not only did I think this was a incredibly funny film I thought it had a lot of heart. It wasn't just a cheap attempt to poke fun at dating. The character Jack has a line that goes, "The last thing I want to do is have sex with someone whose in love with me." Although it came across very funny, it also has something to it. I think he means that in the world today, it's easy to find a girl to have sex with you, but that doesn't really lesson the importance of the act. When you find a girl who really likes you and you don't feel the same way, the honorable thing to do is NOT have sex with her, because sex means something important to someone who cares for you. If it doesn't mean very much to you, then you just shouldn't do it. Jack's friend Rod replies with, "Dude, you should really consider seeing a psychiatrist!" I don't think he does. I think Jack's on the right track and it's refreshing to see a guy who isn't just preoccupied with getting laid! I highly recommend this movie and I think I can say that my favorite scene was the "Apocalypse Now" scene! You'll know it when you see it.

The soundtrack is awesome and I'm trying to find some of the songs, because they are great! I never heard of the filmmakers before, but I'm looking forward to seeing something else! See this movie if you get a chance! You won't regret it!
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