Boring is boring, even if it is by a beautiful location
14 June 2003
Riton and Garriss are friends who live by a picturesque marsh, in early 1900's France and make a living by selling flowers, snails and frogs. Former Manchester United football star Eric Cantona plays boxer Jo Sardi, who is in town for a big title fight. The film follows their adventures and the different people they meet, some friends, some lovers and some enemies.

I found most of the locations to be very good looking and very pleasing to the eye. And the film does contain some bits of comedy and drama, but the majority of the film is just so boring. Sometimes it seems as if the film has no point, and aimlessly wanders from boring scene to boring scene.

I really enjoyed Jacques Villeret in "The Dinner Game", but for the most part I found him really irritating and he got on my nerves a lot in this film. Jacques Gamblin does a good job of his character. But for the first half of the film I just couldn't fall in love with the two characters, which is very bad considering this is a character based film rather than plot based.

Eric Cantona might have been a good football player but as an actor he should have got a red card. Every single scene he is in is ultimately pointless and boring. If all of his scenes were cut it wouldn't make too much of a difference. In the scene where he has the run in with Riton, near the beginning, he drasticly over-acts to the point of crassness. In fact, the first 30 minutes could be cut and not too much would be lost.

But for the weak (and pointless, i.e. Jo Sardi) characters, there are a bunch of good characters. One of my favorites is Mr Richard. The scenes with him and his grandson are very touching and moving. He certainly adds a lot to the film.

Amedee is another nice character, who is interested in music and books. He tags along on some of the main protagonists adventures. I also think he looks like TV host Jerry Springer!

The other character that I most enjoyed was Madame Mercier. Riton and Garriss do work in her garden (though Riton prefers to drink her fine wine rather than slave in her garden!).

Ultimately, a nice ending, a few good characters and the beautiful location can't fully compensate for the arduous and boring scenes, which sadly make up most of the film.

Gravely disappointing.

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