This AIN'T a horror film...
19 August 1999
"The Sixth Sense" is NOT about ghosts or the supernatural. Yes, there seem to be "spirits" or something, but think: Why are they there? How does Cole resolve the conflict? That's what the film is about...

All the characters struggle with loneliness (even "aloneness") and an almost desperate need to "finish" something. That's what makes the film so affecting. Initially, I was mad that I couldn't figure out exactly what was going on, but I later realized that it was due to some trickery AND some skill on the part of the writer/director. The film's depth was fully realized by the excellent performances of HJ Osment and Toni Collette, who is outstanding in her role as a struggling single mother. She is marvelous at playing each of the different situations her character is challenged with, and her facial expressions ring true every time. The final scene with Lynn and Cole in the car is very touching, as Cole has often said he doesn't want his mother to see him as a freak. Willis is also good, as is Philadelphia. Wahlberg is certainly convincing. It's difficult to discuss the plot without potentially spoiling the film, so my advice would be to just see it. It ain't "The Blair Witch Project," so if that's the thrill you're seeking, you'll be disappointed.

A "9" out of "10."
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