Sporadically entertaining mess
13 November 2000
Envelope-pushing shock horror boasts a lot of energy at first, but ultimately burns itself out into repetitive gore effects and nonsensical plotting, to say nothing of utterly pointless and offensive rape sequences. This is a shame, because it's impressively filmed, if openly derivative, most of the time, and generates a genuine sense of claustrophobia along with isolated effective visuals. However, once the routine massacre of the supporting cast, with the aid of disturbing Sadean devices in the nooks and crannies of an eerily filmed deserted compound, is accomplished, fairly early on, the film then degenerates into monotonous chase scenes and cringing from lead actress Miyuki Ono, before finally lapsing into frenetic and stultifying camera movement and dreary clichés. It's easy to see why this film would be so popular, but it's ultimately a rather dubious venture.
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