Review of Monkeybone

Monkeybone (2001)
Horrible... Disgracefully bad. A waste of brilliant actors and my time!
23 February 2001
I was so excited to see this movie. And I was sooooo disappointed! It stank. It was mean spirited, ugly, poorly written,... oh why bother to go on? Suffice it to say that I am outraged and really angry at how genuinely crappy this movie is. I LOVE the actors in it... Brendan Fraser and Bridget Fonda have been in some wonderful stuff. I treasure even their light hearted fare, such as Fraser's "George of the Jungle" or "Blast From the Past." Fonda is always good too. I enjoyed her in "Camilla" (Jessica Tandy's last movie), and even in the cumbersome "Little Buddha" (however you spell it). But this clunker stunk! Shame on the whomevers who wrote it or directed it or edited it-- someone owes me $8 and two hours of my life back. I gave this a 1 out of 10, because IMdb doesn't allow voting with negative numbers.
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