A must-see, if you can find it.
31 March 2001
This is a very pure documentary about the divorce process in Iran made by a British film crew. It follows one couple fairly closely through formal proceedings and family arbitration, and records the court appearances of several others, as well as talking with court employees. The filmmakers interfere very little with the events they record, and include long unedited segments that create a very realistic feel.

I can understand mack-33's reservations. People who has no background knowledge of Islam or the Middle East will find much of the film rather shocking, and may make rather harsh judgments. However, the filmmakers obviously intend to disturb their western audience, and successfully demonstrate the anachronistic inequalities that persist in modern Iran.

One of the major problems surrounding "Divorce Iranian Style" is getting the film at all. I was only able to see it because of an excellent class, and my professor went to great lengths to borrow a copy. If you have the opportunity to see this film, take it, because you likely will not have another.
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