Warning! This may contain spoilers.
20 March 2000
Warning: Spoilers
La primera noche de mi vida is a cute little movie that would have a big future...if only anybody knew it! And it's quite difficult to do just that. To know it. I consider myself lucky to have seen it because I guess it's quite difficult to find it anywhere but on TV. And what's so great about that, you'll ask. Nothing apart from the fact that it's small (from the budget to the duration) and beautiful. The story includes a couple that sets out for a dinner party on the millennium eve. The funny thing is that the woman is pregnant, the guy has no money and no car and has borrowed one from a friend of his. The car of course is not exactly top class and crashes down after few miles. And that's where the film really starts. The couple start fighting and trying to find a way to the parents' house before midnight, hitchhiking on the way and getting into several cars whose passengers seem to be the funniest characters you've ever met and get themselves involved in the funniest situations, the climax of which is the pregnant girl going into labor and ending up in the house of an abortion clinic employee that finally delivers the baby! The plot is so clever that you can't resist to love it and the end just reminds us of the end of a fairy tale. The characters leaning over the newborn baby under the poor house's Christmas tree just after the new millennium has downed and the camera slowly retreating from the window is the scene that I'll keep always remember from this cute little thing called La primera noche de mi vida.
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