Rude Awakening (1998–2001)
This show is perfect...
1 October 2000
From the storylines to the characters, Rude Awakening is awesome. I love this show, and to the first comment on the page, it's awful? No way. The characters, almost all of them alcoholics, well...former alcoholics sort of...they have something to them that just makes you wanna watch every week. I think this is definitely one of Showtime's best series, and I hope it stays on for some time to come. I must say, I hate this season's version of the theme song at the start of the sounds like a drunk sang it! Other than that, Billie cracks me up every episode, and Dave...Dave is the man. I haven't seen him outside of Rude Awakening very often, but I think he is a great, funny actor, who keeps me watching week after week. I sometimes find myself wishing to be in Dave's shows...what a great life he has. Run the coffee bar, get into the sack with Billie, run the coffee bar.....
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