Trite and pedestrian
21 February 2001
This film is a dreadful attempt at producing a supernatural thriller pitting the forces of good (God) against evil (Satan). This script is abominable. The story is utterly unimaginative in its premise and the dialogue is incredibly bad. The behavior of the characters, especially Maggie (Kim Basinger) is often incongruous and sometimes ludicrous.

The story is about a modern second coming of Christ, with the little Christ girl being born to a drug addict (Angela Bettis) and left with her Aunt Maggie. The child is being sought out by the disciples of Satan with the intention of converting her to the dark side or killing her. The army of inept devil worshipers keeps kidnapping her and our mousy heroine single handedly keeps outwitting them and stealing her back followed by interminable car chases pursued by a stretch limo. Meanwhile, a group of nuns gets together and prays aloud that God will protect Maggie and the child in one of the film's most laughable scenes. All this culminates in a showdown between God and Satan including some lame visual effects.

A number of reputable actors are wasted on this hack script. Jimmy Smits is a good actor who gives his standard solid cop portrayal. Kim Basinger can be excellent in the right role. She is good in sexy roles, certain dramatic roles and has even proven to be an effective comedian at times. However, an action heroine she is not and will never be. The most convincing performance is given by Angela Bettis as Jenna, who looked genuinely strung out on heroine.

Supernatural thrillers provide unlimited possibilities for creativity and imagination. This pedestrian script is a trite treatment of a familiar story that is poorly written and directed. I rated it a 3/10. If you are intent on seeing a ridiculous supernatural thriller see `End Of Days' with Arnold Schwarzenegger. At least you will get some good action footage with your tripe.
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