The Operator (2000)
I expected more
14 June 2004
Disappointing morality tale disguised as a thriller. Concerns upwardly mobile 31 year-old womanizing, gambling, amoral lawyer who has a bad day, abuses a telephone operator for giving him a wrong number, and then cops hell from her as she uses her access to technology to turn his life upside down (actually I think that's almost word for word from the video cover, come to think of it.)

This film was recommended to me, and although I can't say the topic seemed startlingly original to me, I still expected a bit more from the film. Instead the plot and acting are mediocre, the idea of a karmic telephone operator who wants to free a yuppie lawyer 'from attachment', and the tired way it unravels is just too predictable and drab. I felt sure I'd seen this movie at least twice before with other titles, though I can't for the life of me think which films I'm thinking of. 'Phonebooth'?

In any case, it's not wretched, but it's pretty ordinary. 5.5 out of 10.
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