see it for yourself
21 May 2000
I have to say this because I almost made the fatal mistake of classifying this movie with the sentimental, depressing, and whiny ones, based on the little I'd heard about it. Call me prejudiced, which I am (and thank goodness, this wonderful film cured me of some of those symptoms), but at first, the idea of watching a movie about a girl and a pair of Siamese twins was not that appealing. It took some recommendation from friends whose opinions I value highly to overcome those inhibitions and to decide to brave whatever disappointment might come out of this venture. I now thank those friends for the good and true word.

The beautiful Penny (Michele Hicks) tells her friend that somehow the Falls twins were not ugly, and I couldn't agree more with her: the Falls brothers, with their neat dress and meek manners, are simply adorable. The strong bond uniting them is another attraction (anyone on especially close terms with their sibling(s) would understand this). I found it shocking that Penny's lawyer should think it rude that the twins should whisper constantly to each other; for me, it showed an intimacy that couldn't be imitated by anyone else, and beyond the reach of any convention.

The Polish brothers have done an inimitable job; some of the details would never have occurred to one who has grown up on her/his own. And it was nice to see quite distinct personalities developed for each of the Falls twins that went beyond their talents/interests.

Focusing on this kind of specific peculiarity might be what gives this story such an expressive power, to make us think about the various kinds of being "different" or relationship in general. On this other hand, it is a shame that the subtler overtones of the story can easily get buried because of this very focus, and scare some "fun"-loving people away.

I later read an interview about the movie and the creators' account of some of the imagery and the design of the movie, but such explicit detailing has taken away some of the charm I had felt for what I had believed were natural/innocent things, rather than improve my opinion of the movie. So take this advice (although it might already be too late if you're reading this) and go see it for yourself, before exposing yourself to anything that could disenchant you! I promise that you won't be disappointed.
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