Excellent production re: untold part of human history
4 September 2001
This film, which has the look & feel of a docu-drama with authentic sets, scenery & standout costumes [when needed ;)], strives & succeeds in addressing two areas of socio-political history: human sexuality in general and a full rendering of gay & lesbian characters in popular culture and historic contexts. Rosa von Praunheim presents his characters with seriousness, gentleness & humor in THE EINSTEIN OF SEX, so that we get the idea that "darkness" in life can be confronted in as many hues and shades as comedy, romance & adventure genres. And that darkness is not necessarily a bad thing.

Modern society lacks a serious study of human sexuality, so Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld's story should be a cue for a movement in that direction. Some of the humor in the film is around this very fact - that we giggle at the sight of beautifully crafted male genital adornments from aboriginal cultures, yet we still find it difficult to approach the complexity of our sexual selves with the courage & empathy that Hirschfeld's character does. We will never know the lost segments of his writings & life events, but the fleshed out remnants in this film are an indication that we will not know ourselves truly until we know ourselves wholly and in diversity. THE EINSTEIN OF SEX is also an important work in terms of gay & lesbian visibility on film. Though set in a different time & setting than PRIEST, it will have a similar strong impact on viewers. For anyone who might want to learn more about the distressing effects of oppression on human beings, this is the kind of film I'd recommend and encourage more of from Hollywood-washed artists.
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