A career low for Pfeiffer and Willis
23 April 2000
Oh dear, oh dear. I went to see this film because of the presence of Michelle Pfeiffer and Bruce Willis, both of whom are very watchable film stars.But this was a truly awful movie. The script was so leaden that I couldn't help but cringe whenever a supposed "joke" was told or an "amusing scene" played out. The unconvincing arguments between the two leads were just plain tedious and I couldn't wait for Rob Reiner or Paul Reiser to get off the screen whenever they appeared - their obnoxious characters did nothing to help the film.But perhaps the most annoying thing of all was witnessing Michelle Pfeiffer's final wailing monologue.Michelle Pfeiffer is one of my favourite actresses but this scene really made me squirm with embarrassment for her and I could even hear other people in the audience say out loud "God, she's awful" and "I wish she'd shut up - her voice is so annoying".I'd love to say something praiseworthy about this in film considering who's involved but, sorry, this is definitely the worst film I have seen this year!
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