One-Joke wonder hints at HBO Series to come
15 July 2004
Mike Binder is a decent enough actor, but when it comes to writing and producing his own material, he seems to only be able to fixate on one, really weak Sex-farce situation.

This absurdly amateur production is shallow and offensive at times but it has its fans. And, believe it or not, there is a silver lining: apparently Binder got enough chops from this experience to pull together a more adult set of issues for use in his HBO Series THE MIND OF A MARRIED MAN. A series which borrows liberally from this first outing for its topics and somewhat silly presumptions about female sexuality and men's abilities or inabilities to stay "constrained" by marriage.

The Series, which was ill-timed, sadly couldn't hold its own against more strongly established series. It had its comic moments and if it took making this film to bring out the creator in him, well, hats off to Binder. Let's see him take a stab at the subject again some time.

The reasons why this film is most likely a Cult "hit" is because Binder put together a surprisingly diverse cast who seem to happily goof their way through this less than professional outing. Hey, if they had fun and its fans like it and it led to a half-way engaging TV series, well, I won't complain. I won't watch it again, but.. I won't complain.

If anything, the film is notable as the genesis of the series THE MIND OF A MARRIED MAN.
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