Nicely done on a low budget.
7 April 1999
Firstly, I'm assuming that you like vampire movies... If you don't then goodness knows what you are doing looking at the user comments for RAZOR BLADE SMILE anyway. If you are not a shadow obsessed goth music lover then turn back now. This is not your film.

Razor Blade Smile both fails and succeeds in equal amounts. Its strongest point - as with almost all British movies - is its script. Writer/Director Jake West has penned an intelligent piece of cult cinema here and although some of the lines fall flat, much of the script really does illuminate a new angle on the vampire world. There are moments of both tongue in cheek humour and intellectual social commentary. This factor, coupled probably the twistiest twist of a twisted finale ever put on the screen should be enough to put a canine revealing smile on a lot of you fellow vampiric folks out there.

Where the film fails is forgivably in its cast and its special effects. Jake West has done his best to please the Chow Yun Fat gunplay fans and the would-be highlanders in the audience but quite frankly on this sort of action cannot work on such a tight budget. The snappy editing only part way makes up for this though. You can't help but think that with a tad more dollar he could have gotten some classier cast who could have delivered the sharp script a little better.

Altogether, RAZOR BLADE SMILE is as sharp as its title. Moments of genius mix with moments of cringe-worthy badness, but if - like me - you have a tendency to dress on the darker end of the spectrum, then this might be just your cup of,ermmm, red wine ;)
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