An excellent film for the right audience.
14 March 2001
Yes, this film is silly. Yes the script is badly written, the plot far from convincing, the acting mediocre...etc. But as a silly film, this film is highly entertaining. It is one of the best bad films I've ever seen (I would place it on a level with Commando), and you can even take it to a higher level by interpreting parts of it as a parody on the goth-culture and on traditional serious modern-vampire films. I don't think this film is meant to be taken seriously, just consider all the cheesy one-liners and how the characters never step outside the sterotype. I pressured a group of very sceptic people to watch this movie with me and within a few minutes, these people, who had just been threatening never to let me decide on a film again, were laughing out loud. I would watch this film again, no doubt about that :-)

So, relax people, it's perfectly o.k. to enjoy silly things, it won't make you any less an intellectual!
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