Review of Belly

Belly (1998)
I liked the fun visuals.
5 August 2000
This movie is a mixed bag. The fact that it earned a lot of votes of 10 and 1 probably says a lot. I like visually oriented movies, so I found this to be a retina-pleasing movie to look at. The plot is a murky thing about 4 criminals turning on each other, and could have used work. If you rent this, watch it for the ridiculously good use of intense colors and nifty camera techniques. I don't mean that condescendingly; this movie has more to say about color than your average emotional drama has to say about relationships. This movie was not without some hidden value lurking beneath the surface, but the main actors can most charitably be described as "still learning." The character "Big" was probably the best actor, as well as most generally interesting. Plus, can you not love his hair? Despite weaknesses of story, I was satisfied with this movie. It fed my jones for visual movies as well as other flicks like City of Lost Children or Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. If Hype Williams had someone else's screenplay and real actors, and he just concentrated on bringing them together visually, I think he could be an amazing new voice to bring hip hop aesthetics to the big screen.
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