Review of Beat

Beat (1997)
Technically expert but overlong
21 September 1999
Min and his friends are 'lost youths' living in an increasingly Westernized country which has many conflicts with its more rigid, traditional social structures and values brought about by relentless modernization. Min, (who looks somewhat like Yuen Biao) is also a natural kung fu expert and gets mixed up in street gang action much to the dismay of his dysfunctional girl friend and equally dysfunctional best friend and business partner. Technically the film is quite well done, a sort of mix of Japanimation (the motorcycle shots were right out of Akira), Hong Kong crime films, and music video/tv commercial: neon, garish lighting, sudden cuts, extreme camera angles and positions, and lots of little shot pieces edited togehter to give it a jumpy, visually nervous feel. But it is all surface and no substance. The film is a good 20 or more likely 30 minutes too long, and cutting out the kung fu/street gang plot would have been the perfect solution. Working with just the romantic and best friend relationships would have made this a much more interesting film.
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