I thought it was kind of sweet.
14 November 2001
Okay, I'll admit it. Rabid curiosity got the better of me and I actually bought the video. So bite me.

As others have pointed out, the actual sex scenes are brief and few. And yes, Tommy's hung like a horse, bless his heart. But, what really interested me about this video is that if you really, REALLY pay attention, there are elements of the relationship between Tommy and Pam which are so subtle they are likely to be missed if you're too busy waiting for the next sex scene.

Every other word out of their mouths is some derivative of the word f**k -- perhaps one of their wedding gifts should have been a thesaurus -- and their conversations are pretty boring for the most part. But, the oh-so-subtle difference in the way they treat each other was fascinating to me. While every other sentence out of Pam's mouth was "I love you!" ("I love you! Hey, look at that f***ing view! I love you! Let's make chiliburgers tonight. I love you!) there was a seeming insincerity behind it. When Tommy told Pam he loved her, much less often I might add, he said it with absolute conviction. His surprising her on her birthday with a private boat party and tons of gifts was beyond sweet. He was more excited about her opening her gifts than she was. And he's a much better listener than she is. I never really thought much about either of them beyond what I'd read or heard in entertainment news, but my opinion after seeing this video is that Pam is a vain, selfish, self-absorbed airhead and Tommy, while no neuro-surgeon himself, is really a pretty sweet, sensitive guy who, when he loves, seems to love deeply and completely.

Watch again and fast forward through the sex scenes. See for yourself.
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