Clockstoppers (2002)
Family fun flick - good rental
9 September 2002
I had not taken my teenage children to see this in the theatres because it sounded too much like a remake of "The Girl, The Gold Watch, and Everything" from the previews. Why spend the big bucks when it'll be in Blockbuster in a few months? I was right about that part.

So we rented it recently. It really is a good movie for the whole family to watch. My kids really liked it, and it gave us something to talk about in our family discussions - especially the relationship between Zak and his father.

Several of the comments posted here rave about the physics of the situation, and how unreal it is. Guys, it's a movie. "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" is just another way of saying "Once upon a time". Commenting that air friction would burn up anyone in hypertime would make for a really short movie. And how do you know that QT labs didn't generate a force field with the watch to prevent friction?

If you want to nit-pick the physics, then avoid the movie. If you want to spend some fun time with your teenage children, then watch the movie.
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