Nothing in this movie rings true
26 April 1999
This film looks like it was written by people who never went to high school, who instead formed their impression of human experience by watching TV shows. Watching this film, you'll learn:

* If a nerd tries to buy a ticket to the high school prom, she'll be turned away.

* The prom queen can instantly lose all her friends at the prom by putting a stop to a prank.

* If you are a reporter writing a story and you get scooped, you'll be fired immediately.

* If a male high school teacher rides on a ferris wheel with a female student, and tells her that men will chase after her when she's older, he'll be the subject of an expose in the local newspaper.

* If you're a nerd, and a cute guy asks you to the prom, say no: if you say yes, he'll pass you by in the limo and throw eggs at you.

* If you're a newspaper reporter working on an undercover story, you'll wear a little camera in a pin on your shirt, and your exploits will be beamed back to the paper where you work, where all your co-workers will watch everything that happens to you.

* A 25-year-old woman who's never been kissed, and who dreams of falling in love with the right guy, will, once she meets the right guy, advertise in the paper that she'll be waiting for him to kiss her in front of an audience of a few thousand people.

I don't think I can think of one authentic human moment in the whole movie. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
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