Review of 1999

1999 (1997)
1999-Good Performances, But An Uncohesive Plot
8 January 1999
1999 contains some witty, well-written dialogue, but the plot eventually stalls leaving the audience unfulfilled. The editing and film quality is also sub-standard creating an ambience of unprofessionalism rather than independence.

This timely film takes place New Year's Eve 1999 -- on the eve of the millenium. The film explores the relationships of a number of 20/30 something New Yorker's attending their last New Year's Eve Party of the century. Sort of an attempt at a Woody Allen-style for the younger indie-film set.

The main plot line revolves around Andrew Goldman (Matt McGrath) the party's host and his relationship with his father (Buck Henry). Unfortunately, this story stalls and the resolution is uninteresting.

The plot line involving a love triangle between Rufus Wild (Dan Futterman), Annabell (Jennifer Garner) and Nicole (Amanda Peet) fares better as the appealing and talented actors carry the day over the pedestrian story line.

Some of the lesser characters in the film provide its most interesting moments. Sandrine Holt excels in the part of Suki. Steven Wright is hillarious as the Goatman. Margaret Devine is fantastic as Sylvia.

While not groundbreaking, and certainly flawed, 1999 has some nice moments and some interesting performances.
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