Not as original and funny as the first....
14 June 1999
Alright, "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" had its moments. Sure, Heather Graham is pretty hot. But it wasn't nearly as funny as the original! The "bad" scenes outnumber the good. Most of the scenes in the movie just seem to last too long, and I sometimes had to ask myself, "Was I suppose to laugh at that?". Scenes would end with those music cues that just serve to tell you that they(the filmmakers) weren't confident in their ability to make you laugh at that scene. Bad sign. Mike Myers' performance as all three of his characters was pretty impressive in its own right. He is definitely a comedic genius. For a movie that is suppose to be "the" comedy of the year, the theater in which I saw it was pretty silent for most of the film. I've been at movies that were booming with laughter, and this one just didn't do it for me and for many others. Many have said that if you like the first, you'll like this one too. For myself, I was a little let down. That's all I have to say.
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