Spider-Man (2002)
Spider-Man: A Web Of Garbage?
7 May 2002
First I feel it's only fair that I start my review off by saying that I usually dislike the American public's taste in movies. I personally feel they are attracted to garbage. 9\10 whenever I know the American public gets beind a movie, I usually expect the worst. "Spider-Man" is a moronic, juvenile, tasteless, poorly acted excuse for a movie. Know, yes, yes I know people are going to say well, it's just a good "popcorn flick". It's a guilty pleasure. Okay, I can understand that way of thinking, but, "Spider-Man" isn't even a good "popcorn flick". I have guilty pleasures too. I like "teen" movies. I like films like "Scream", "Can't Hardly Wait", "I Know What You Did Last Summer"...ect. But, there's a line that has to be drawn to seperate good and bad films. And "Spider-Man" is one of the year's worst films! I don't think I can fully express my sheer hatred for this movie. Is\was this movie actually worth all the attention it's getting? Absolutely not! There have been so many great films made over the years and this is the film that breaks all records! "Spider-Man"! What does that say about us? Nothing good, I'll tell you that right now! I'm not really a fan of Tobey Maguie, though, I do admit he has been in some good films, "The Ice Storm", Woody Allen's "Deconstructing Harry", & "Wonder Boys". But, in this film, Maguire, is life-less. His performance is awful. He just seems to drone on & on. People who say he gave a good performance have no clue as to what they are talking about. He does a really bad job. Next Kirsten Dunst. Now, I have a lot of admiration of Dunst. I think she is a very good actress. She has a presence to her that reminds me of something that older actresses have had. She seems to make the screen come alive with her "sunny disposition". Here however, is another story. Not even she turns in a good performance. I don't understand how people could say the have chemistry together. THEY DON'T! William Dafoe, another great actor. One of the most under-rated actors of our time I feel, and he's bad in this too! Now, is the problem really the actors or the script. In Maguire's case, he's the problem. He didn't and still doesn't seem to me to be the right choice for the movie. He doesn't seem, "heroic" enough for the part. He doesn't seem like a "leading man" to me. In the case of Dunst and Dafoe, the script ruined them. Dunst doesn't have a good role. She doesn't really have anything to act with. There is nothing special about her part. I can only think that she accepted the role on two things. 1 - the pay was probably great and 2 - everyone involved probably knew this film would have mass appeal to it. The same goes for Dafoe. Another problem I had with the film was, for a movie who's budget was 139 million dollars, where did the money go? Many scenes looked cheap. Especially he scenes where we see Spider-Man fly. It looked much more impressive in "Superman" which was made back in 1978! I was really suprised to see how bad some scenes looked. I have many many more problem with this film, but, I won't get into it. Bottomline: "Spider-Man" is a tasteless, lifeless movies that stinks from beginning to end. One of the year's worst films!
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