The Micallef Program (1998–2001)
superb sketch show.
3 February 2002
The world's not short of half-hour sketch shows, but this is one of the best I've seen in a long time (On the UK's Paramount Comedy Channel). Satirical, surreal, and wonderfully played by a small regular cast (Wayne Hope, Francis Greenslade, Roz Hammond... and Miron, he's made of plasticine, but no less funny for it). Imagine an Australian "A Bit Of Fry And Laurie" if you know it, with elements of Monty Python & Kids In The Hall. Shaun Micallef in his role as chat show host/presenter/interviewer would be among the highlights; a cringe-inducingly smug, bitter, inept and offensive man - he is the Australian Alan Partridge. Despite being an Australian show, there's very rarely a joke of reference that I don't 'get' here in the UK. I ordered the DVDs online, the shows really stand up to repeated viewing.
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