The War Zone (1999)
The Unbearable Bleakness of Being
10 September 2000
This bleak, disturbing movie leaves many unanswered and unresolved threads, and viewers who like to be spoonfed in the traditional Hollywood style won't appreciate it. It leaves many issues to be played out in the viewer's mind's-eye.

It deals with incest, and the drama is played out in the bleak Winter of North Devon. Against this bleak countryside, beautifully filmed scenes of the roiling seas driving against angular tectonic plates leave us with no doubt that something unpleasant is about to unfold.

Other reviewers have covered the plot line, so I won't rehash it. I will, however, offer the comment that it deals with this unpleasant subject with great taste. Still, I found the one graphic scene of incest difficult to watch.

It reminds me of "The Piano" in many ways - the visual bleakness, the distorted power relationships between the main protagonists, and in the haunting soundtrack. 9.5/10
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