Pierre Richard, what now?
4 August 2004
Once, Pierre Richard was one of the most popular French actors in the seventies. His clumsiness and his grimaces had secured his fame. But throughout the years, his popularity has fallen off a lot and today, an eternal big boy whose silly things don't make many people laugh any more, he has gradually lost his excellent reputation. This movie "Droit dans le mur" is a non-convincing attempt from Pierre Richard at finding the spirit of his movies in the seventies again and his efforts are vain. You can nearly take this comedy for a will.

Pierre Richard's movie was a dramatic commercial and critical failure in 1997. This failure was predictable in the own title of the film. Besides, we can ask ourselves this question: how did Pierre Richard manage to shot and act in a movie which was very likely to be ignored by the spectators due to its silly title? Be that as it may, if we analyze the movie, we discover a jaded man who's running out of inspiration and who is behind the times. The proof? A dated making, a flood of threadbare commonplaces and even the sequences supposed to be funny leave indifferent. Even if you don't find any trace of vulgarity (as in most of Richard's comedies), the faults previously quoted are significant enough to skip and forget this film.
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