Review of Cement

Cement (2000)
Worst movie, ever!
20 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. This writer and director think that killing, beating up, torturing people is entertainment. And if I have to look at one more close-up of that overweight actor Chris Penn, I'll get sick. No expression on his face, and I guess he's acting, you can't tell. Unfortunately the only person who I admired is buried in cement. Another useless purpose in telling a story. Cops are awful people. Worse than the gangsters they are in league with. Then there's this character that just seems to wander around in the film. Don't think he even knows what's going on. He then kneels down to the dead Penn and asks him to breathe. He ends up beating up on a corpse. This gets the worst acting award of the year. You want them all to get off the screen, they're that bad. I won't even give credits here. Don't waste your time with this garbage. Then there are the two cops that go around killing everybody in the film. Another guy blows his head off. Another character is nuts. You take it from there. Please, just take it.
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