Silly, Rude & Fun
26 September 2002
Far be it for me to criticize another critic, but you should have known what you were getting into. Considering the level of difficulty involved in getting a copy of this tape, those interested in it would already have to be pretty big fans of Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson, in which case, they know what kind of humor is present.

This collection of sketches from the U.K.'s "Saturday Live" show include Richard (Mayall) and Sir Adrian (Edmondson) Dangerous setting fire to each other, babysitting, having a romantic night, teaching zebras to fly and so on.

Fans of Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson should check this out to see Rik acting as the aggressive, violent one and Adrian as the more passive character. Anyone who has seen any of the "Bottom Live" shows will see many of the jokes used in the shows in the early stages of development (yes, I believe it is not as simple as it looks). This is not for anyone looking for typical British wit, but for those in the mode for mindless, rude fun.

As far as comparing it to other Rik and Adrian can't. Comparing this tape with "The Young Ones," "Bottom," or "Filthy Rich & Catflap" is not possible because this tape is filled with five to ten minute sketches, while the above shows were thirty minutes in length and had the benefit of plots (yes, I said plots) to help the story along. Remove the plot from a "Bottom" or "Young Ones" episode, and you would have "Dangerous Brothers Present: World of Danger."

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