Afula Express (1997)
Very nice, unconventional romance starts out great, but fizzles a bit in the end
19 January 2001
First let me say that the first 45 minutes of this movie are just wonderful. The development of the two main characters is joyful to watch, as their performances and the direction brings you deeply into their personas to where you almost feel like you've known them for years. You see almost from the opening scene their virtues, their faults, and you can understand completely why they are together, why they love one another, and why their relationship is in great danger.

The story is about a couple from a small Israeli town who are having trouble making it in Tel Aviv. Batya is becoming increasingly frustrated with David's futile attempts at realizing his dream of becoming a magician (he usually lazes around the apartment all day while she works all day at the local grocery shop). The poignancy with which the film shows a woman in love, but at the end of her rope is as real as anything you'll see on the subject.

The film takes a slight detour downward once Batya decides she has had enough not only of David, but of Tel Aviv. She packs her bags and heads back to Afula. The problem at this point is two-fold. First, the story stays in Tel Aviv, so we lose Batya, who up until this point was the central figure in the film. I would rather have followed her to Afula as I was so enthralled with her character. Second, somewhat miraculously (and not very credibly), David, with the assistance of his deadbeat friend Shimon, suddenly become overnight sensations in the magician world. This part of the plot takes what was previously a completely realistic (yet still fascinating) story into a sort of unspectacular fantasy. The ending also ties up a bit too neatly and bizarrely (especially regarding the involvement of some union thugs).

These criticisms aside, the film still manages to come off as a more than pleasant experience and definitely worth checking out. The direction is creative, yet never overstated and the performances are wonderful on all parts, even down to Batya's biker crush. Part I gets a 10, part II gets a 6. Overall score, 8 out of 10.
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