Stop Thief! (1901)
A Fairly Entertaining Trifle
16 May 2002
This is a pretty entertaining trifle from the earliest days of the movies. It's a simple comic chase film, but it has good energy and a couple of funny ideas, with technical aspects that are of good quality for its time. It's one of a handful of James Williamson's films that survive, and like a number of the others it has a good dose of wit along with basic movie-making skill.

For all that some of the plot developments are pretty goofy, it is rather well-conceived in itself. The manic situation builds nicely, starting with the theft being committed, and going on from there. Including the dogs in the chase was a good idea that works well, and it provides an amusing take on crime, justice, and punishment. It probably also took some real ingenuity (and perhaps a little luck) to have the sequence with the dogs come out so well.

This is one of the very earliest 'chase films', and it has a lot of energy, plus a couple of good gag ideas that would hold up well enough even if they were used in a movie of a somewhat later era. It's not that hard to tell how old this movie is, but it still works pretty well, and is certainly worth seeing for those who enjoy watching these early movies.
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