There wasn't a dry eye in the house
18 April 2001
I recently had the opportunity to attend a screening followed by a Q&A session conducted by the producer-director and found the film to be wonderful - there wasn't a dry eye in the house - and the Q&A session to be very enlightening. Don't miss this one if you have a chance to see it. Julie Harris gives an Oscar-quality performance as an elderly lady shunted off to an old folks home. Dan Byrd is perfect as the foster child abandoned by his mother. Joe DiMaggio played hurt once again and you wouldn't know it. The director shared with us that The Yankee Clipper, who was forced by the union to accept the princely sum of $248 for his work in this film, cracked two ribs the week before filming his scenes. Although he was in obvious pain between takes, on-screen he was the Joe DiMaggio we all remember. This G-rated film has powerful messages about adoption and should be seen by families. This movie deserves wide release.
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