Review of High Voltage

High Voltage (1998)
I rented this because of Koichi Sakamoto.....
4 October 2000
....and I have to say this movie SUCKS. I loved Sakamoto's stunt coordination of his other movie "Drive" which featured some of the best martial arts choreography way before "Matrix." After watching "High Voltage" though, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. The script was beyond incoherent and don't get me started with the acting. Well what else can one expect from a B-movie. The action was obviously contrived from the numerous Gun-Fu, John Woo style movies and the director doesn't even add his own touch to it which leaves the action scenes bland. It is a shame for the guns was the reason why I rented the movie. I have to say to all those who want to kill time, you can do something much better, like read a book or go for a drive. By the way, I highly recommend you people rent "Drive" instead. Yeah, it has a bad script and mediocre acting but it far surpasses the fizzle known as "High Voltage."

The Movie 0 out **** The action scenes * out of ****
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